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C. H. Booth Library Minutes

Fundraising Committee

January 24, 2014


Present:  Trustees: Robert Geckle, Colleen Honan, Jennifer Reilly, Martha Robilotti.  Librarians: Alana Bennison, Andrea Forsyth, Beryl Harrison, Brenda McKinley, Kim Weber 

A follow-up letter to our annual appeal was discussed to assist the Booth Library in the aftermath of flooding

a.       Vision:  Communicating ongoing need for donations to reopen the Library with new programs and reconfigured spaces to better serve the needs of the community

b.      Ideas: Photos, captions, list of Trustees, will create fundraising page on Library website to acknowledge donors, testimonials, explain "association library", Reopening preview/reception, add question regarding public acknowledgement to the envelope,

c.       Assignment of Tasks

Andy Forsyth: Head creation of annual report for future mailings/communications

Kim Weber: send photos to Jen Reilly

Beryl Harrison: primary contact for questions from Press

Staff to handle: updated press release regarding thanks to area libraries for support

Bob Geckle: identify large donors

Jen Reilly: create newsletter, contact printers, gather info from past fundraising chairman

d.      Timeline for completion and mailing: Aim for February 1st.


Respectfully submitted,

Jennifer K. Reilly

Secretary, Booth Library Board of Trustees